
Pray With Purpose, Part 3

January 7, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Just allow the Lord to continue to encourage our hearts and stir us with His words and the great privilege that we have of accessing the throne of God. Every time you read these words in Matthew, the words of the Lord, there are no more effectual words than those that come to our hearts from the Lord Himself, He who really is touched with the feelings of our infirmities. You know, I think when we identify with His lordship and His humanity we see the fullness of the godhead bodily expressed in Him, but we see the empathy of God and His triune being expressed in Jesus.

Because of that there is such a love and appreciation for His words, those that He speaks experientially having been tempted in every way such as we are and yet without sin the Scripture says, so when He was asked by the disciples to teach them how to pray, you have to remember, that He was a man just like you and I. He hungered, He thirsted, and yet when you study the Scriptures when the disciples slept, He prayed all night. He would separate Himself from them, the Scripture says. I think you need to understand that a life of prayer will separate you from other people. It will make you different. It's something, when everybody else is hanging out you are choosing to be with Father. Now He wasn't antisocial. He spent time with them and fellowshipped and communed, but on top of all that there was bread to eat that others didn't know anything about and He would find that time to commune with His Father and to be strengthened for the task that was at hand...