
Walking in the Spirit, Part 5

September 5, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Okay, let's pick up where we left off last week. Praise the Lord, let's turn to the book of John and open this up with our main Scripture for this particular series. I have no idea how long we're going to go, so we'll just go until we get done, and then sometime later, we'll do it again and learn more. You can't exhaust the Word, can you? You can take a subject, and you could study it the rest of your life, and you'll never wring everything that the Spirit of God's put into it. It's there, and we can continually learn and draw it. The Word of God is profitable to us, praise God, for instruction into righteousness.

Okay, John, the fourth chapter, verse 24. John's gospel, fourth chapter, twenty-fourth verse, and let's say it together, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Okay, we worship Him how? In spirit and in truth. So, we've been sharing, then, for the last weeks: you can't worship God out of your mind, it's impossible. You can't worship God physically; though your mind and your body can be used by your spirit as instruments to bring praise and honor to God, they can't worship God, they're only instruments used in the ministry of worship to Father; okay? The worship comes directly from the indwelt spirit of man. The spirit of man is that that's recreated by the Word of God, that's brought back to life, it's made in the image of God, and is created for the purpose of allowing us to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. That newborn spirit is created after the image of Him that did what? After the knowledge of He that what? Created us. So, we find right here then, that this recreated spirit is operating in the realm of the knowledge of our Creator; your spirit is capable of flowing in the knowledge of God. Your spirit-man's capable of apprehending all spiritual truths, think about that. And the Scripture says that everything that could be revealed has been revealed to us...