
Adam's Rib, Part 9

February 7, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Glory to God. Amen. Good to be in His presence (Amen?), gathered with God's family.

Especially for one of our male congregants. Yesterday, as he was having some examinations done, his blood pressure went to zero and heart stopped on the table, and God raised him up, praise God! Amen! So it's good to have him in church tonight instead of in heaven. Amen? He'd rather be in heaven, but he's back here with us. So we've got to put up with him a little longer, and just thank God for His grace and His mercy, praise God. It's exciting to see the goodness of the Lord. As he was having his heart examined, there were some problems, and when they finally got through, you know, trying to kill him, they found out that his heart is getting better, praise God! So we give the Lord the glory for that. We've been praying for him, and we're looking for progress in that.

Let's turn to the book of Titus. Just continue to pray for him, and we're going to see the complete restoration in that heart, praise God! It's exciting to see the reports, not only of what the Lord did there, but physically there's improvement, and we thank God for that. They thought they were going to have to do the angioplasty with the balloon. Anyway, they didn't have to, and he's getting better, praise God! So let's look for the finished work.

Titus, the second chapter. We want to continue on our study here in looking at what makes a godly man. We've been talking about husband and wife relationships, and we were saying that before you can become a husband you've got to become a man. Amen? Now, we know that people become husbands without being men, but we're talking about doing it in biblical order, because, frankly, there are a lot of husbands that aren't men. A bunch of wimps and we're trying to get them turned into men, praise God!...

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