
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 12

June 10, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We want to continue with the teaching on "Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers." We've dealt with a lot of very touchy situations, and we're not through yet, but… Hopefully, it'll cause some peace to come into your homes. The Scripture says that when things operate properly, your prayers will not be hindered. And that's what we're looking for: the right relationship that we can have with Father to where there's unity and harmony in the home, and you can dwell at peace with one another, praise God! We realize that man was created for the very purpose of having fellowship with God. Woman was created for the purpose of bringing about ministry to the man as helpmeet, one that would surround him and assist him and prop him up. We know that the woman was made, woman's sole purpose is, for the man. It's not very popular today; it goes contrary to what's being propagated today in our women's lib movement and our human rights movement and all of these different things. We see that, ladies, you have one right, and that's to submit yourselves to your husbands and to serve them as God created you for that purpose. That's your right. That's why you're here. To have any other perspective is going to bring about frustration to you as an individual, so you need to realize that this is where God has created you, and you need to rejoice in that. We realize that the head of the woman is the man, and the head of the man is who? Christ.

So, man is not the ultimate source of authority on the planet. Thank God for that. We realize that he has a head and that there is wisdom that comes from God that the man has to administrate in his home and in dealing with his wife. We saw that man can only operate in one way, and that's to operate in love. And to do so, then, would be able to represent Jesus Christ. And when he operates in love, he's laying his own life down for his wife and for his children. We realize that this is the requisite that man has. So it's important for us to see these things as we draw some of these things together. The man is only the undershepherd of the lordship of Jesus, he's there representing God's Word in the home. He's not to make his own rules, he's not to set forth his own philosophies, but he's there to administrate the Word of God. So that's the responsibility that we have as husbands...