
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 1

May 13, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

That's the calling, and we're going to take a look at that and discern why woman has been put into that position and how woman has been prepared for that ministry, and I believe it will be a blessing to us and just an area of us being able to establish the divine order in the home, praise God. Okay, let's turn, if you would, to the book of Titus, and we'll kick this thing off and see what happens. We'll start off our special this morning with that very scriptural song, I Want a Girl (Just Like The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad). What's your concept of "Mom" this morning? We all have different figures that come to our mind when we talk about "Mom." My father has a tattoo on his left forearm that says "Mom," from when he was in the Navy. I don't know how drunk he was the night that he got that, but he does have that tattoo and we realize that "Mom" brings up a lot of different images into our mind.

Janet was just with someone the other day; they were out exchanging some of the things that we had bought for my mother as a gift. She never buys anything for herself, so we went down and bought her about seven complete outfits to wear, different outfits to wear, and we combined it as a birthday/Mother's Day kind of thing. They were down there exchanging some of them and there was a lady, at this particular counter at the store, that was just really giving her mother fits. And there was another comment that was made about, "You know, my mother's in her older age; she's getting so cantankerous and so ornery, and she is just so this and that…" Here were these two ladies complaining about their mothers, and Janet made the comment and said, "Well, at least you still have your mother. Mine's been gone for 10 years." Ten years now, that Freda's gone and been with the Lord. What a blessed woman she was. I'll tell you, you don't usually hear people talk about their mothers-in-law this way, but this was a virtuous woman. Godly woman. Someone that you could emulate, if you wanted to know Freda, just know Janet, because she is the reproduction of her mother. And, in fact, isn't that what the Scripture says in Ezekiel? It says that that parable will come forth, that the daughter will be exactly like her mother (Ezekiel 16:44). Now ladies, if that frightens you, then in these teachings you'll be able to glean some truths and work on it-and see the transformation...