
Generations, Part 7

October 24, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. We want to continue on our study with the godly seed and the vision that we have here as a fellowship. The Scripture, of course, is a hallmark foundational scripture for us: "...commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2). You know, that's part of what raising up the next generation is all about. We're looking for faithful men. We're looking for young people that have a heart for God, and that's who we're going to commit to. We're going to see that these children, then, are raised up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

There is a question that the Lord asks that I think sometimes we're very aware of, but we need to really take it to heart. The Lord said, "...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). That's quite a statement, isn't it? "When I return, will I find faith? Will I find people looking for Me? Will I find people that are living according to My statutes that really have given themselves to the kingdom?" I think it goes along with the passage that we're all very familiar with. It's spoken of so much in these last days, but the statement that Father makes that in the last days, there is going to be a great falling away. "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" (Matthew 24:12). "When I return, will I find faith on the earth?" Faithfulness, a diligent people that are doing it My way.

So, we've talked about the real obvious focus of the enemy. What was one of the first things that Satan introduced into the family after the fall? Adam and Eve--we know the broken order that took place there. They are put out of the garden and, tragically, one of the first things that a family experienced was what? Their children. What happened in their home? The murder of Cain and Abel. Where is it that Satan is going to attack the kingdom of God? He is going to attack the home. He's going to attack and try to bring division, schism in the home between husbands and wives, between generations of children and their parents; because he understands that a house divided against itself cannot stand...

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