
Desperate for that Voice, Part 5

November 2, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! The Lord is good. Amen? Let’s turn to Mathew’s gospel for just a second. There are a couple of passages that we’re going to look at before we get back into the study. But just as a reminder to us as we’ve been studying, we have a great responsibility to represent the kingdom of God as ambassadors of Christ. Amen? What an awesome responsibility He’s given us! We hear the words of the Lord and we stand, sometimes almost dumb, before it, but when the Lord makes statements like, “If they’ve seen you, they’ve seen Me.” Whenever I hear that, when you read that, it’s just like, “O Lord, without You we can do nothing.” Amen? We see in the Scriptures those statements that are so powerful, revealing God’s will and what our responsibilities are. He’s told us to go into all the world and make disciples. He said in Mark 16:17, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they…” And the great demonstration of the power of God. The Lord spoke and said, “These things shall you do, and greater things than these, because I go to the Father.” Again, we stand dumbfounded before the Word of God, but all we can do is believe it. Amen? I mean faith! You have to believe that, and, yet, in our natural minds we say, “Lord, it’s just us. Lord, this is me you’re talking to.”

I know, as I was seeking Father this morning, and I heard my heart’s cry as I was just praying about this hour that we’re in, asking Father to visit us and show Himself mighty, and for the great things He has entrusted to His church to be evident here in our midst. Then I heard myself say, “But, Father, I don’t know if You can trust me—but You know.” Amen? You know. If you want some place to show Yourself mighty, if you want some place to be glorified, we’re available. All we can do is just say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.”...