
Desperate for that Voice, Part 2

October 26, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! I'm trying to find the balance between letting everybody get back in town and not getting too far along in our teaching. I want to continue along because I believe the Lord's been speaking to us. I've heard some good testimonies from the teachings on healing. We've been getting some testimonies of the power of God in individual's lives and bodies; people laying hands on others. It's exciting; you get what you're believing for. Amen? For many years now the Holy Spirit has been dealing with us in many ways, building character in our lives, establishing patience and humility. Is anybody in here glad that we don't need any more teachings on patience and humility? We've already arrived there; praise God, so we've got that covered. As we look, we really see that this is all part of the preparation of the bride. Jesus is coming back soon! Amen?

Somebody was telling me today that they had just received some information that the Vatican had sent out word to many leaders across the world, for some type of a summit, to call the leaders together so that they could redistribute the wealth of the world. That's probably a good idea for everyone except Americans, but it's not biblical. Amen? Not much that Rome does is. Of course, for years we've heard the teaching concerning Rome that the Pope was going to be the antichrist; but I don't believe that's what the Scripture teaches. I believe the Pope will be a major player in the founding of the whore, the great apostate religious system. It's just another one of those things that's happening. As we're looking around at what's going on in the Middle East today--we see the emergence, to a degree, of Rome, where they are just thumbing their noses at America. They're becoming preeminent now, on the verge of collapse economically. A central leader over there would probably be a good idea. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus! Amen?...