
Desperate for that Voice, Part 4

October 30, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

As we've been sharing some on healing, the doctrine on divine healing, and getting now into the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you know, we see how so much of this works together. The power of God's Spirit in healing--we've touched on some segments of divine guidance in this. As we're getting ready to go in and look at the gifts of the Spirit, we begin to see how vital and how functional and practical the Holy Spirit is in our daily lives, and it's not just a doctrine.

We all know the Holy Spirit is a person. He's part of the Trinity, and not all people who profess to be Christians believe that. So there's so much teaching on the Holy Spirit, and it's important that we realize what His real ministry is to us today. We know the Scripture makes clear His involvement in creation. We know the necessity of being filled with the Holy Spirit, because Jesus was filled with the Spirit. Amen? John said, "On whom you see the Spirit of God descending and abiding [What?]" (John 1:33). How was it that He came upon the Lord? Without measure. This one that the Spirit descends and abides on in completion, He's the one that is the anointed; He's the one that's been sent from God.

Now, remember, up until that time the Holy Spirit moved in the Old Covenant, but He would come upon people for a certain task, and then He would leave them, and with their natural resources they would be out ministering for the Lord. You see the Spirit spoke specifically in the life of the judges. It said the Spirit came upon them and enabled them to judge the people. We see it in Samson as the Holy Spirit came upon him, and he was able to do these feats of strength. It was by the power of God. Samson didn't have a membership at Gold's Gym. You know, he was not an Arnold Schwarzenegger. He could have been like any one of us that received that supernatural strength by the Holy Spirit. We need that, don't we? Moses experienced that anointing. His strength abated not; his eyes didn't dim, and that was by the Spirit of God that indwelt him. So all of these things, again, that are very practical, of the Holy Spirit...