
Desperate for that Voice, Part 1

October 23, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

[I'm] jealous of everybody that's on vacation, so I think I'll take a little rest tonight myself, praise God! [Pastor is teaching seated in a director's chair.] Oh, yeah! Hallelujah, feels good! You know, the song that we were just singing--I think probably, if not in the all-time favorite, but one of the--just the continual awareness of our desperation for God, amen? The need of it--isn't it interesting how easily we fall out of that? You know, as I was listening to the utterance that went forth tonight, the great truth of the--that Tom was sharing in the utterance of those events in the lives of those people, something that should really stick out in our hearts: God is always the pursuer, amen? The Scripture says we didn't seek Him, He sought us; and it's still that way right now. We haven't arrived. We're in need every day of God pursuing us, embracing us, illuminating us, because we are a needy people; amen?

And then the hunger for that daily bread, thinking about the song and the daily bread, His Word--if we would just find this and eat it, it becomes the joy and the rejoicing of our hearts, the Scripture says. Isn't it interesting how we--so many times, we get into the rote reading of the Word of God. How many of you are still on reading your Bible through annually, the--are we even providing that any more, or are we just keeping the other one going? How many of you are on that and are on your--what would we be now, third trip through? The fourth one? And what a great opportunity to have a vehicle like that which gives us something to follow...