
Holy Home, Part 6

September 13, 2017 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn back to Ephesians, and we're going to continue along on the holy home for a few more sessions here. And when we're talking about the holy home, of course, we're talking about the holy church, because the church is being comprised of all of our family units coming together in community and acknowledging the mutual headship; amen? So, what Jesus is in the home is what He's going to be here in the church. And we can't expect Him to do more in the church than He's already doing in each of our lives individually before we come and commune and gather together. Here in Ephesians, Chapter 5, of course, we see this great example of the husband's role, Jesus as the Husband of the church; we're His bride and the expression of His love for us and His desire to be one with us. We talked about that a little bit last session, last Wednesday I believe it was, we talked about getting to know our wives and have that time we spend with them in intimacy. The emotional intimacy where words are exchanged, where we get into one another's hearts to where we truly look deep into one another's eyes, into one another's very souls. And that same type of an intimacy as it would be in the physical aspect of our oneness also, a true love affair. A true husband who is ravished, the Scripture says, with his wife's love. That's what Jesus expects of us; amen? And as Jesus speaks to us He wants that time with us. He says, "Abide in me, and let my words abide in you," and then you can delight in it and ask anything that you want and it will be provided to you. You know, it's the same thing in our marriages, ladies, if you will abide in your husband and allow his words to abide in you, you become one with him, you take on his vision, you take on his heart. I want you to know something, you'll be able to ask whatever you want and he'll climb the highest mountain, and they'll make songs about it, and he'll swim the deepest seas, or whatever; amen? Relationship, oneness, love, genuine love, taking the delight in one another. I'm my beloved's and my beloved is mine, His banner over us is love; amen?...

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