
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 8

May 30, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

A good way to finish up a long day is just being refreshed in God's presence and fellowshipping with the saints. I heard a song today. I don't know if I'd ever heard it before, but I picked up part of the words on it. It was a secular song I heard playing today called, "Only the Good Die Young;" I think that was what it was called. There was one phrase I thought was interesting. He said, "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." That was an interesting phrase. The days are coming when there's not going to be too many sinners laughing.

You know, we look at society today and we look around us and all of the trials and all of the tribulations, and we can become burdened down with these things. I'm not talking about not in a bad way; I'm talking about the fact that we should be touched; we should be concerned with the condition of our society. We need to be in prayer and we need to realize that this isn't the time for our celebration. This is a time of us weeping, because if we go forth weeping we will doubtless come again rejoicing bringing the sheaves in with us; amen?

Many people that don't know Jesus take our concern for righteousness and the state of this world as being that we don't know how to enjoy life. I don't know anybody that knows how to enjoy life other than Christians. I don't know about you; I'm having a good time. Amen! Just thoroughly enjoying myself in the presence of God, but really concerned with the state of mankind and also with the condition of the church, the professed church. You know, the professed Christians are in trouble today; their souls have been vexed. In fact, Janet and I were talking this afternoon about these things and the fact that you can become burdened. She said, you can't live people's lives for them and, you know, that's true. But it's a thing when you realize the magnitude of people, the souls that are not ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It becomes a burden, it becomes a weight. It becomes for us, as spiritual leaders-and I want to talk to the men again tonight-to realize that we have to take this responsibility on ourselves as far as we can take it. When we talk to the men, there's a phrase I want you to get down. In fact, get your notes out; I want you to get this down as we get ready to start our teaching. We're going to continue talking about the priesthood of the man in the home, and I think it's very important...