
Adam's Rib, Part 12

February 14, 1996 • Pastor Star R. Scott

How many of you ladies got flowers sometime this week? Let me see your hands. How am I doing? Alright, some of you guys really fell down on the job here. Some of you got to go out to dinner, I hope, and all of these different things for these men to be able to show their love and their affection for their wives, praise God. Now, I know some of you do it all the time anyway and it's nothing special, it's old hat, you're always there and your wife receives everything her heart desires and this is just another old week that's gone by where you've just been blessed out of your socks; amen? And for you, ladies, we want to talk to you after the service and put you in touch with some of these others that don't believe it can happen, praise God. My wife could have said, "Amen," to that, but I didn't hear her.

Let's turn to the book of Ephesians and finish up our study on Adam's Rib. This will be our twelfth week and we want to finish this with a little further admonition to the men. As we've looked at these God-ordained principles, the thing we have to realize as we are closing this study is the same way we began, these are not suggestions, these are commandments, and there is no other way to live. Husbands, this is not an option. Wives, it's not something that you consider. The husbands will love the wives as Christ loved the church, and they are willing to die for them. It's not an option. Those of you that are single men, before you dare ask one of these young ladies to cut a covenant with you, understand what's involved in this: it's the laying of your life down, men, to serve this woman and to make sure that she's sanctified and washed with the water of the Word and prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ...

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