
Cleansed to Serve, Part 9

November 6, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Did you enjoy the video last Sunday? Wasn't that great? I know a lot of you have been talking about how it touched your hearts. We do have a sign-up list back here for those that are wanting to go to Africa. Not everyone that signs up is going to get to go on the May trip, but there seems to be enough people interested that, if it turns out that way, we may have another group going--say 90 days later. What we're looking for primarily on the first trip are chaperones, people who can oversee our youth, because it is the missions trip for our graduates. We have two of the seniors coming down from the Baltimore church that are going, and then our graduating seniors, and those who graduated last year. So, out of the 30 slots available, I believe 17 are taken up with students already. But put your name on there, and we'll be praying with you and just seeing whether Father has His hand in that. But be prayerful; a lot of things are going on. As we shared, there's the possibility of getting the land over there. It's an outstanding location. It's a lot of money; this land is selling for $80,000 for two-and-a-half acres. It's a suburb of Nairobi (the only suburb, really, of that area) and a phenomenal location; but it's not cheap; it's a lot of money. So we're praying about that. As we said, we're believing God for a miracle, not a good deal. So, however Father wants to do it. You never know how God's going to move. He may move on some of you; He may be moving on me. I don't know; I'm waiting to see.

The day I said we're looking for a miracle (just before service last Wednesday night, I think it was) I got ready to leave the house, and I got a call from some guy in New York. Greer handed me the phone, and she said, "It's some Joe Pesci or something; I don't know--some guy from New York. He talked like he knew you." So I grabbed the phone, and he said, "I want to talk to you about the property you own in North Carolina." And I said, "Yeah?" He said, "I'd like to buy it." I said, "It's not for sale." He said, "I'd like to buy it." I said, "I'll tell you two things: number one, it's not for sale; number two, I don't need any money. Now, we'll start from there. In other words, there will be no negotiation." So I said, "You call me back tomorrow, and I'll give you a price." I already knew what my price was going to be. My price was going to be what it costs to buy that land. We still have not heard a "no," so if he says "yes," then the land's paid for. Can you say "Praise God!" for that? We're excited about that, and we're looking to see what Father might do in our midst. So, be prayerful; you don't know how God's going to do this. It may fall through, and you may get a phone call! How many of you are willing to do it? God is speaking (praise God!) and whatever He says, be ready...