
Cleansed to Serve, Part 1

October 16, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. It's good to be home and excited about what God's doing in our midst. I believe I have a word from the Lord for us as I've been meditating on the mind of the Spirit in these last weeks and just wanting to hear what God is saying. He's obviously doing a work in our midst. There are things that are taking place in the realm of the spirit that are beyond my comprehension and your comprehension. I find myself in a place where I've been poured out like water and cast down and broken to dust, and I believe I'm at a place where I can hear the voice of the Lord for the day we're coming into. I think it's a work that's being done to prepare us for the hours that are ahead. I look back through the trials that we've been through, the different steps that have been taken in these last months and as I survey where we were--"we" being myself, speaking of myself--and understand that so many things that we can do, we do in our own strength. When you've done something for 35, 40 years, you can do it on autopilot. I believe the Lord needed to speak a fresh word to us, and in the process there was a breaking that had to take place. I believe I've heard from God as I continue to sort out all of the trials, the turmoil, all that's been going on. I believe that I'm hearing a word for us in the day that we're going into, and I don't think we have a lot of days left to be about Father's business. Many of the things He's given us as a people blessed in this nation, the material things--we all know the trial they become--but so many things that we take for granted are treasures that we don't know possess our lives. Thank God for the chastening of the Lord, amen? It's grievous for the moment, but works in us the peaceable fruit of righteousness...