
Cleansed to Serve, Part 3

October 20, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Praise God. It's interesting, as the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to us and talking about the preparation that He expects in our hearts. It's easy, at a time like this, to say, "Well, man, I've been doing my best, and I seem to be doing well. In fact, I seem to be doing better than I have in a long time." Then this message is coming of our preparation, the things that are expected of us. Listen to what the word of the Lord says, "...Be ye holy; for [What?] I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16).

Are you that holy yet? Then we've got a little ways to go, don't we? The word of the Lord is to a church that's being prepared for His coming, that He might present to Himself, holy, unblamable, and unreprovable in His sight. Isn't it great to be a part of that preparation? The bride being cleansed and being made ready, praise God, and we're part of that--called, chosen from before the foundations of the world.

So the Scripture said to us in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, "For this is the will of God, even your [What?] sanctification..." So we've been looking at that cleansing process that's expected in every one of our lives. If you did your homework this afternoon, then it'll make it a little easier on us, and we won't have to spend a lot of time in going over the specifics. But let's go to Leviticus for just a moment and take a look into the 8th chapter of Leviticus and begin to look at some practical aspects of sanctification and see the order and the process that's taking place.

Now, next session on Wednesday, we're probably going to talk about positional versus practical sanctification. Positional, meaning we are legally sanctified. As born-again individuals, we are sanctified, and we will be glorified. Can you say, "Praise God" for that? It's the ultimate outcome. If you are born again, you are in the process of sanctification, and at whatever time Jesus comes in that process--listen--at whatever time Jesus comes in the process of sanctification in your life, you are guaranteed to be glorified. If you are being sanctified--I don't care where you are in that process--Jesus assures us we will be glorified...