
Cleansed to Serve, Part 4

October 23, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

It's good to be in His presence. It's always exciting to see one of the young people used of the Spirit of God. As that utterance came forth, very obvious it was out of the heart and that God's moving in lives. It's an exciting thing to see. That's what we've been praying about, believing God for. Just continue to be prayerful; we're going to see it continue to manifest in our lives. Well, good news from Africa, praise God! Tony and Karen are back. Can you say, "Praise God!" for that? Amen. If you haven't seen them yet--you guys stand up, let them see how good you're looking...at least Karen is. It's good to have you all home, praise God! Amen. We won't let him say anything. I won't have time to preach if we do, so... A lot of exciting things that are taking place and looking forward to hearing the testimony. It's going to bless you to hear what your prayers have done and your faithfulness and their labor as they've gone out from us. It's exciting to see what Father's doing in our midst and the manifestation of it there in Africa.

Let's turn back to Leviticus eight, where we were on Sunday, and continue along with the study that we're in. We saw in Leviticus eight the sanctification of the priesthood and the garments, all of the artifacts and the tools of worship. The thing that we noted in Leviticus chapter eight, was that before there could be a consecration of the priesthood--and we are a generation of kings and priests; it applies to us. It's all typology. We know that, first of all, as you study the Scriptures and everything that is within the tabernacle, every aspect--It doesn't matter what it is, whether it's the brass rings, the curtains, the shewbread, the table that it sits on--it makes no difference, it all is symbolic, emblematic of one thing: That's the person and the ministry of redemption that Jesus affected on our behalf. When you study and you look at all those things, that's what it's all about. Now, within all of that, we begin to pull out different aspects of it. You can pull out, as I said, the brazen altar. You can pull out the laver. You can pull out the priesthood, and it all represents the ministry of Jesus. A lot of it also represents ourselves because Jesus, as the ministry is manifesting itself today through the Body of Christ, He is the head, and every one of us are members in particular. He's placed us, He's gifted us, He's called us, the Scripture says, as it pleases Him...