
Desperate for that Voice, Part 7

November 13, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! This morning we are going to continue along the lines of life in the spirit and the need, in this hour, to be filled with the Spirit of God. We're coming into an hour where iniquity is going to abound; we need that grace of God to abound with a greater degree in us than we've ever known. One of the manifestations of that grace is in the promise of the Father, as we've been looking, of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. As I've been meditating, it's an interesting thing how we as human beings respond to the presence of God, the life in the spirit or in the supernatural. We're creatures that are so bound to the natural; aren't we? To touch, taste, all of the other senses. Many of us even feel that if we could have some kind of a special visitation of God--I know I've felt that way, "Lord, if I could just have one of those experiences that we've seen in Scriptures, that we hear others have had manifested in their lives." The visitation of God where Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up and His glory filled the temple. Moses being able to glimpse the glory of the Lord as he saw His hinder parts going by, and many of those touches.

As I was meditating on that, I started thinking about the disciples and how cool it would have been to have walked with the Lord in His earthly ministry. How many of you would have liked to have just hung out with the Lord on a daily basis? Would you? Doesn't that sound cool? It wasn't that exciting all the time. As most of us would think, there was a lot of mundane just walking and traveling; but He would teach them in the way. Just to be with the Lord; do you think that maybe your faith would be greater or your expectation would be greater, maybe your desire to be used or to come to a greater knowledge of God. Do you believe this would be enhanced by walking with Him? You saw Him touch the blind man and witnessed that miracle. How about the cleansing of the leper? How about walking on water; would that be cool? How many of you would have loved to see that? I would have; I am very enthralled with the miraculous. I like seeing miracles! I've seen a number over the years. It strikes awe in you at the awesomeness of God, but none of that changes us and none of that empowers us...