
Walking in the Spirit, Part 7

September 19, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's get our notes out and if you don't have any, get some. Because you'll want to put this down and put it into different categories as we share Scriptures with you this evening. What we're doing, we've been studying walking in the Spirit for a number of weeks now. Last week we began to take the spirit of man and dissect it, somewhat, so that we could understand it better.

The spirit is comprised of three areas. What are they? Intuition, communion, and conscience. Okay? Man is a trinity in himself. Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives inside of a body. Man is a trinity in every function. The mind, the soul that is comprised of: emotion, intellect, and will. The body is basically comprised of flesh, bone, and blood. You can see these things continuing through God's creation. Last week we began to break the spirit down and started dealing with conscience a little bit. We were sharing that your conscience could, in fact, be your guide; amen? If your conscience is saturated with the Word of God. If your conscience is not full of the Word of God, then we saw in our study a few week prior to that, that the spirit of man could be deceived, the spirit of man could become hardened, the spirit of man could become filthy and in need of being cleaned up. All of these different aspects that can take place in the real you. Now, we've got to do this before we can get the most of this study. We have to realize that we, the real man, is the guy that is living inside of here that has been redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ entirely. Our spirit has already realized the fullness of redemption. The body is still waiting to realize the fullness of redemption's plan. Did you know that? Did you know that the mind is still waiting to receive the fullness of redemption's plan? I fully believe that after Jesus comes back for us-soon, I hope-soon. I believe that when He comes back for us and we split out of this particular environment that we're in, and this body is changed in a moment and a twinkling of an eye, I believe that our mind will no longer operate at 10 percent of its capacity, but we'll instantly begin to move at 100 percent of our mental capability. This body being corruptible will put on incorruption. We who are mortal will put on immorality. That's going to be the full realization of redemption. But the mind and the body are continually being renewed day-by-day in the realm of the spirit waiting for the fullness of redemption; but your spirit, the real you, has already received the fullness of redemption's plan. That man inside of you, that new creature is made perfect, praise God, after the image of He that created us. That's neat! That is really exciting when you begin to understand what the new birth is all about. When you begin to realize that the real you, that guy inside there, cannot sin, praise God! As long as he is walking in fellowship with the Word of God and Jesus is abiding in Him and His Words are abiding in us, then praise God, we are not capable of sinning. You get away from the Word, you back away from the Lord and you can come back into moving in sin...