
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 11

June 6, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Go back to Ephesians and then also into 1 Timothy. We've only got four more services that we're going to be dealing with this subject so we want to get right into it and see if we can draw this thing to a conclusion.

Ephesians and 1 Timothy 3-we want to talk some more about the responsibility of headship in the home to bring about teaching and admonition so that there will be fruit that remains in our ministries. If we don't raise up a godly generation, we've failed, men, to do what God has called us to do. Genesis 18 tells us-why did God choose Abraham? We all remember that, right? He said, "I chose you because I knew that you would be faithful to take these and teach them to your children and your children's children." That's why Abraham was chosen, because he was going to be an obedient servant and make sure that the statutes of God went to the next generation and the generation following.

So this is what God is looking for in our lives, and if we're going to be men of faith, Abraham was the father of faith. We talk about a lot of things that Abraham had done and how he had stood on the Word of God. We see the miraculous birth of Isaac, and we see the offering up of Isaac on Mount Moriah and these different things, but I want you to understand the thing that God saw in him was an obedient heart to train up his children in the way that they should go. That's why God chose him, so if you're going to find a true man of faith-and we talk about all the things that made Abraham the father of faith. The father of faith was the father of obedience to require holiness in his children...