
Pray With Purpose, Part 8

February 11, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Matthew chapter 6.

Oh, Missy, I got that plaque; it's beautiful. Thank you! Missy had found this thing for us. It's a Sword of the Spirit plaque, and it has a sword that's placed down, recessed into this beautiful frame, and recessed into this area that recites the passage in Ephesians. It's just gorgeous, and we're going to--I can't decide whether to be selfish and take it home or to hang it in the conference room where we can see it every day and everybody else can enjoy it. It's just a blessing.

As the Lord years ago put that Scripture on our heart to depict the outreach ministry here and to name, of course, the radio and the different things that we've done in outreach and evangelism, it's what we've tried to keep as the hallmark of the ministry--that God's Word is the final authority and is the only source that we draw our wisdom and our strength from. I think that after all these years, we will be able to stand before the Lord and hear Him say, "You did a good job." I believe with all of my heart that we've done our best, amen? Do you believe that? I believe we've done our best. Do you believe--and I'm talking not just "me"; I'm talking "we." I believe that we've done our best. How many of you think we can do more? But I believe to this point, we've done our best. We really, as a people, have tried to walk according to the Word of God as our standard and tried to assist one another. And I believe that God has shown His delight in that by His presence--the peace that we have and the knowledge of His presence that we have--and I'm just so thankful for it.

We're coming up on our twenty-fifth anniversary of being here in this auditorium. Twenty-five years ago on Palm Sunday we had our first service in here. That's exciting, and I can still remember what this room looked like--the little toy soldiers painted on the wall and the old--you all remember the green tile that was in the bookstore for so long. That was all through here...