
There is Yet One Man, Part 2

November 4, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

A couple more days and we'll have all of our questions answered as to what the political state of our nation will be. We just need to remind ourselves that whoever gets elected, God is in charge. Whoever gets elected isn't going to change the course that we're on, because this course has been established by prophetic utterance, by the heart and mind of God centuries ago. Do you really understand-I don't think any of us do-the hour that we're living in? We say that we do, but historically, what an exciting time to represent the church of Jesus Christ! Never a time like it: the generation that will most likely see the return of the Lord Jesus. We're it. We talk about it doctrinally, but can you imagine? I can only imagine what that voice is going to sound like. It's going to sound like a trumpet, but I mean that voice. Can you imagine just hearing, "Come up hither! Come on home! It's over. You've fought a good fight"? We can be those people. But He asks the question, "When I return, will I find faith on the earth?"

We've been looking at that from a lot of different angles over the last number of months. The message on my heart, and I think we've been hearing it clearly is, as the bride is being prepared, are we conscious of the work in us? We're part of the bride of Christ. Are you conscious of the work that's going on in your life right now to prepare you for the coming of Jesus Christ? How many of you are even aware? Some of us, He's doing things in our lives we're not even aware of. If you're aware of what needs to change, you have a lot of work to do, because He's coming for a bride that is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. But the most minute areas of our lives need to be pressed out, the minute areas that offend Him, that are not like Him. "Be holy, for I am holy." If the things that need to be dealt with are very clear to you, we have some work to do.