
There is Yet One Man, Part 4

November 7, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Let's turn to Samuel this evening, and see what the Lord would speak to us. We are looking at the life of David and the call of God upon his life. What qualified him to be used as a man of God? I really believe that most of us in here want to be men and women of God, who can honor Him in these last days, who will be able to really say, "Having done all to stand, we are just standing." Amen? I believe that is in the heart of each of us; and I think that we need to look at the character of these men, and then (as I said the other evening) the things that caused them to be tripped up in their lives. All of these great men encountered at one time in their life a great failure. Don't be afraid to fail; amen? "A [good] man falleth seven times...and riseth up again," praise God. And one thing in this day that we will face is that the enemy is going to try to convince you to quit: "You're not going to make it. You're not one of the chosen. The way is too hard. Why bother?" "Because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (amen?), and, "He hath said, 'I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee'" praise God. "God is...a very present help in trouble."

And so we want to look at these men, and see them rise up and have great victories, and have to combat their own carnality. I guess, if we have done one thing over these last few years--and see if this rings true to your heart--I have been trying to help us to come to grips with our carnality, and who we really are. Probably, for the last 18 months, from so many angles, I have just been trying to get each one of us to truly realize our absolute necessity on His presence and His grace or we will fail; amen? Let's just say it another way: I have been trying to help us to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think (Romans 12:3)...