
There is Yet One Man, Part 3

November 4, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen! Let's turn back to 1 Samuel and pick up where we left off this morning. That admonition for us to follow hard after the Lord, it's very unnatural to us, isn't it? It's funny that we, as human beings, are definitely crisis-oriented. Even Jesus prayed more earnestly. You'd think that the Lord would always pray to the full capacity with the full zeal that's available to us as men. He was the perfect man. He was in Gethsemane as a human, not as God. And as the battle intensified, He prayed more earnestly. How many of you have found that for your own lives? And I know in my own life, the prayers over the years. My prayer was with great intensity when I was in the throes of losing my wife and battling down that final stretch. Nothing else mattered. All of my time, all my energy, all my thoughts were consumed with the battle that I was in. The intensity when we were in Africa, and Greer, all of a sudden, was deathly ill. And we find ourselves in a hospital that was less than what we're used to. And the times that they were taking blood from her in this area of AIDS. And when you find your wife in that position, you pray more earnestly, don't you? When I was faced with prison here just recently and it was told by one of the most powerful attorneys in Washington, D.C., "You are going to jail," you pray more earnestly, don't you? As we've been faced and looking at the possibility of everything that we've had as a family here going away and possibly having to go rent some property and start again, you pray more earnestly, don't you?

So where do you find yourself today? We don't have the crisis of a nation in absolute anarchy. We don't have the crisis of our freedom taken from us yet. We don't have the crisis of hyperinflation. And so, we don't pray. Oh, we play around. But what about the wrestling matches with God that, though they last all night, we say, "I won't turn you lose until you've revealed yourself to me." When He comes, will He find faith in the earth? Where are we in the midst of this war, and do we really truly believe that we can stand before God and say, "There's not an ounce of strength left in me that I haven't used in pursuit of you"? When we seek Him with all of our hearts, that's when we find Him, amen?...