
Knowing the Chief Shepherd's Voice, Part 1

April 17, 1988 • Pastor Star R. Scott

…and the Lord spoke to him and said, verse 37 of the ninth chapter [of John], “You have both seen him, and it is he that talks with you.” “And he said, Lord, I believe.” I mean, after all he had just experienced the Light of the World, hadn’t he? We read in the ninth chapter that He is the light of the world. Jesus came and gave illumination to this man of His position as the Son of God, Messiah. And to understand Chapter 10 you have to understand what the Lord is coming out of, the conflict with traditional religion. The fact that this religion had kept people bound and blind because they really didn’t have a relationship with God. They knew scriptures. They knew Bible principles. They had all of the Old Covenant laws that they were working off of, but they hadn’t seen the light at this particular time. They had not been illuminated in their spirit to where they had a working relationship with Jesus. They were depending upon men. They were depending upon a priesthood to find out who God was. They were depending upon the words of men to bring truth to them, and they didn’t have the Spirit of God dwelling in them. They didn’t know real truth, because real truth is not something that’s intellectually received, it’s something that is spiritually discerned, isn’t it? It’s that ginosko, that knowledge, that working relationship with Him. And very frankly, too many Christians today have that same relationship with the Lord. They know only what people tell them. They know only what they heard on a teaching tape. You know, we’ve come out of a decade, now, of people parroting what other teachers have said on teaching tapes. Our tapes have gone all over this country and all over the world. We get responses from nations that I have no idea where these people are getting these tapes and how they are getting circulated throughout the world the way they are, but they’re hearing the teaching and the Word of God, so we’re one of them that are pumping tapes out there. I have no idea how many hundreds of thousands that are out there floating around somewhere. People are listening to this voice and hearing a teaching, and whether it be someone that’s of a well-known position like a Brother Hagin or a Brother Copeland, or James Robison or one of these men. Whether it be someone that grabs ahold of one of our tapes—it doesn’t make any difference. You can’t have a relationship with Jesus through somebody else. You have to know Him yourself. You have got to be able to discern the Word of the Lord and understand if that is letter or Spirit that’s coming into your life. If that is Spirit, if you’re hearing the Word of the Lord and not the words of a man, what you hear will change your life and you’ll do what you heard. If it’s the Word of the Lord that you heard. If it’s the word of a man, if you’re hearing me speak to you tonight, then you’ll decide whether you want too or not. But if it is God speaking to you, then you’re obligated to keep His commandments. If you have a relationship with the Lord and know His Word, if you love me, He said, you will do something, what is it? You will keep my commandments, and My commandments will not be grievous unto you...