
Knowing the Chief Shepherd's Voice, Part 3

April 24, 1988 • Pastor Star R. Scott

As we look at the ministry of the Good Shepherd, His ministry to us, aren’t you glad we can commit our souls to the Lord Jesus who loved us? The Scripture says that He is the Bishop and the Shepherd of our souls (1 Peter 2:25); amen? How many of you are glad that He is tending your mind tonight? You know, if He weren’t the Bishop and Shepherd of our souls, our little soulish being would wander off somewhere, wouldn’t it? It needs to be shepherded, praise God.

We are to bring every thought into subjection to the obedience of Christ, and the Scripture says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). What was that mind, what is it Paul is talking about there? He is talking about Jesus humbling Himself, and he is also talking about what happens after we have humbled ourselves: what is the consequence of true biblical humility; what happens when a man humbles himself before God? God raises him up; amen? And what happens when someone exalts himself before God? So we realize, then, that this mind of Christ was the humility of taking on flesh, being willing to lay His life down and die, becoming obedient unto death, and, in that of course, there was the exaltation. We are to have that same mind of humility. What does the Scripture tell us will happen if we are willing to humble ourselves and lose our lives? Yes, we are going to receive our lives back again, aren’t we? So, we are receiving that mind of Christ because it’s so totally different from what the natural man wants to do. We always want to fight for our rights; we always want to defend ourselves; we always want to make sure we get our cut; we want to protect ourselves at all times. That’s the natural way: none of us is any different; every one of us in here is like that; we go about it in different ways, but every natural man, every depraved sinful nature, behaves that way. Some of us do it through little sweet techniques, sneaking up on folks; others are bolder, using frontal attacks; but we are all, in the natural, in it for ourselves...