
Knowing the Chief Shepherd's Voice, Part 2

April 24, 1988 • Pastor Star R. Scott

I’m so glad that I belong to a church that has a Pastor that loves us, that teaches the uncompromised Word, praise God. A Man of integrity. Aren’t you glad that you belong to a church like that? How many of you are glad you belong to a church like that? Amen. It’s called the Church of Jesus Christ. There are a lot of different denominations around and local fellowships like ours, but there’s only one church, only one Pastor, and His sheep know His voice, praise God.

The problem that we have today is that people are following other men’s voices and not the voice of the Good Shepherd. Any voice that stands to speak, like I’m speaking to you today—any voice that stands to speak and if it’s any other voice and you’re a true sheep, you ought to be able to tell the difference. People are going to follow the voices of their shepherds. People are going to hear the voice of their god, and we need to begin to be very careful. You remember a number of weeks ago we did a study on taking heed what you hear. Let him that has ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. We realize there are a lot of doctrines, a lot of teachings that are going around. The Scripture says in the last days men shall heap up to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And, you know, this is amazing that today more than ever we’re seeing ministries that are being raised up—and being raised up by men, being raised up by popular demand—and people are content with what they’re hearing. Lives are not changing but glad to hear the things that are being heard, and, beloved, we’re living in the days, I believe, of the return of the Lord...