
Prayer Warriors, Part 7

April 10, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen! Thank You, Jesus! I want to share a couple of other practical things, just as we're getting ready here this evening, as I made a couple of the comments about the gifts of the Spirit. One of the things, of course referring to, it's very obvious that Ron has been giving a number of utterances through the services here. The one thing you can't do is think, "Well, if a pastor is being used here, then let's let him do it." The utterances have been from the Lord, etc., but that doesn't stop you from seeking God and being used; amen? There's that tendency that, "If somebody else is doing it, they're probably better than I am." There is no "better." There's obedience. If God's speaking to you, be used. Seek to be used. Pray to be used in these particular areas. There is of the ministry of definitely calling for the elders and being anointed with oil, but there's also the admonition for us to see in the body the working of miracles (amen?), the gifts of healings; praise God! "These signs shall follow them that believe." We can become pretty apathetic and we can sit back and say, "Well, here's somebody who does it better than I do." That's not the admonition from the Scriptures: seek, pray for, long after spiritual gifts (amen?), covet them, the Scripture says. So make that your prayer. Say, "Lord, I want to be used. I'm here and I want to bring edification to the body." The problem with the early church was they were bringing edification, but they were also bringing glorification to themselves. That's why Paul had to bring some of the reproof and the rebuke that we read in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. We just want to admonish you in those areas not to lose sight of the body ministry. If we're going to see the full extent of the visitation that God wants to bring us, it's going to be through the body, your responsibility to pray, your responsibility to be obedient and respond to the needs of the body. It's like, "Well, that's scary." Yes it is. It's very scary at times. How many of you are very familiar with the "Holy Ghost heart palpitations"? There are times that stepping out of the boat is scary. So be obedient. Don't be afraid. The Lord will confirm with signs following; amen? That's the admonition to us, so we want to encourage you to move in that way...