
There is Yet One Man, Part 7

November 18, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! There's a great presence of the Lord. As we're preparing to go, take a little time in the Word. Realize this: the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. He's here right now, and the waters have been troubled. If you need healing in your bodies, right now where you're seated, just receive the benefit of His presence. The work is finished. By His stripes we're healed. Appropriate it. There's no big fanfare. It's the glory of God. It's the gift of God. It's that peace that was spoken of earlier. There's the anxiousness that's in the world today. His presence is here. He gives that peace that passes understanding. In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand pleasures evermore. Hallelujah!

We thank You for your presence here, Lord. Father, help us to make You big, to give You the praise that You're worthy of this morning. Father, we come with such thankful hearts. We can bring You nothing, Father, except what You've given us. We let the fruit of our lips bring forth thanksgiving, Father. We are so grateful. We are so grateful for this gift of salvation. We are so grateful for the sonship that You've bestowed upon us. Father, all that's in this life is vanity and vexation. We're not to live here. This isn't our home. We're spirit beings, and we worship You in spirit and in truth. Father, stir our hearts beyond the soulical realm. Take us away from the emotional realm with the understanding that we would purely fellowship with You, that You would infuse Your life into our spirit this morning, and that we'd stand strong for Your glory. Help us to covet your presence. Father, we ask that in Jesus' name. Amen. Hallelujah! Amen...