
Pray With Purpose, Part 7

February 11, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Aren't you thankful that sufficient to the day is the evil thereof, amen? Scripture makes it clear that if we don't faint, in due season what's going to happen? There will be the reaping, praise God! There's a time to sow and a time to reap, and to everything there is a season. Thank God, this is a season, I believe, of preparation for the coming of the Lord. Pretty soon we're going to start a study again. It's been a while since we've talked about the blessed hope--but we're going to finish up today, probably this morning and evening, the series we'd started on prayer.

Let's turn back to Matthew Chapter 6 and read again that passage that everyone of us has memorized and teach our children. Already I know that the little babies are learning this prayer. Every time Janet prays with them at meals, she always prior to thanking the Lord for the food, leads them in the Lord's Prayer and the recognition of who our source really is in all that we have need of. Jesus, teaching us in the 7th verse of this 6th Chapter says, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen..." Don't pray like the heathen. You know the heathen pray, there is a lot of prayers that go up to false gods, to idols. There are prayers that people say, "our thoughts, our prayers are with you," in other words, they are wanting to have good thoughts and hoping for the best and all of these things that people really mistake for prayer; and we understand, of course, what true biblical prayer is. Prayer is that ability to imbibe the promises of God and have them bring faith to our hearts and recite back to God His own Word, His own promises, and to speak to Him our absolute trust, and hope, and reliance on His immutability, His presence, and His love for us. And so the heathen do pray. The Scripture says they pray with vain repetition (Matthew 6:7). They think that they are heard for their much speaking; and He said we are not a people like that, because God, the Father you serve, isn't having to try to be convinced of anything. He says in verse 8, "Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, [even] before ye ask him."...