
There is Yet One Man, Part 9

November 25, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Part of what we've been talking about in these last couple of weeks is just that endurance. This walk that we're in has a lot to do with endurance. Not being weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap if we don't faint, praise God!

So, we want to encourage each other, and when we see those around us whose hands are hanging heavy and cast down, just lift up the hands that hang down. Comfort the feeble-minded; amen? Keep your eyes open for those among us that are weary and let the Holy Spirit speak through you those words of knowledge, a word of wisdom in season. Don't be looking to walk up and give them your human wisdom. Believe God for the Holy Ghost to move and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to manifest and speak some supernatural wisdom; amen? Speak the truth of God into their hearts and encourage them, and so many things that we can do to assist one another in this hour.

No turning back. Like so many of you, I can still remember the first time I ever heard that song, the first time I ever sang it. The scene flashed through my mind as we were singing that chorus, "Lord, We Are One in Thee." If my memory is right, I believe it just freshly came out of a heart of a young man in Southern California, and we were having a large CA (Christ Ambassadors) rally in Bakersfield. And that was the first time I heard that chorus; and my memory's not really clear, but I believe the young person was there; and I can still just see it, like never before, back then during the Jesus Movement. It was a very exciting time. The Holy Spirit was moving in great ways, and just to see hundreds of young people, just teenagers-hundreds of young people and hands raised, weeping before God, holding one another's hands and singing, "Lord, we are one in Thee. Lord, we are Your body."...