
Generations, Part 6

October 17, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. We had a great--I'm sure all of you ladies got all of the information from the men's meeting yesterday, and we're thankful for that.

We had an outstanding men's fellowship yesterday as we were dealing with the subject of training up a godly seed, preparing ourselves for the adversity that's at hand, living in the day, of course, as we've talked about for so long--that in the last days iniquity will abound and the love of many will wax cold.

So we've got to keep ourselves stirred up. Amen? We're no exception. We go out there every day, and we're vexed. When we go on the job, whatever contact we have with the world's system, we're being vexed. We have all of the different secular humanist vehicles of media, television, all of these talk shows that are on. All of it comes from one basic source: the worship of the creature more than the Creator. It can manifest itself in numerous ways, and so we have to guard our hearts and realize that we don't go unscathed. We're influenced.

In the church itself, if you go out and you go into the Christian bookstores or you listen to the Christian media, stop and listen to how many of these people now that are the experts are psychologists. They try to say they're Christian psychologists, but there is no such thing. There is no science of psychology in the Scriptures. So what we need to realize is that the moment you get Freudian philosophy mixed in with biblical principles, you have a lie. "...

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