
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 10

June 3, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's open our Bibles. We want to pick up where we left off this morning. Someone asked, "Since it's graduation, how long are you going to teach tonight?" I said, "As long as I always do: until I'm done." When I'm done I'll tell you. We want to pick up where we were in 1 Peter, and we are not going to change the subject matter we have been studying for the last nine sessions because it's applicable to where you are. We are going to be looking at Ephesians and 1 Peter; then we are going to jump into Proverbs for a few minutes. But it's very interesting that, of our last graduating class-and I had made the comment that I felt you were the best graduating class that we have ever had, but I need to qualify that by saying, "…the best multiple graduating classes that we have ever had," because the last graduating glass of one was a good graduating class, too-Kimberly was the first student to ever go from kindergarten through twelfth grade here at Calvary Temple School.

We have shared in the past the different bad raps that many of us in Christian education get, and we have also shared the perverted outlook of many others who feel that Christian schools ought to be nothing more than private institutions that are called "Christian" to try to get away from the drug problems and the sex problems and the violence problems in the schools. You haven't solved any problems by removing your children from the public schools and the environment of drugs and violence and sex if you haven't put Jesus into their hearts, because the problems we face in life are not external; the problems every one of us has are internal, the sin that is in our members. Amen? It doesn't matter what's outside; there is nothing external that can harm you. The warfare is waged internally. Paul did not say, "Woe is me; I'm a man who is undone," as the prophet said. Paul, wanting to fight this battle (in the seventh chapter of Romans) said, "O wretched man that I am!" He didn't say, "O wretched world that I live in!" "O wretched man that I am!" He didn't ask, "Who will deliver me from this drug culture?" He asked, "Who will deliver me from me?"...