
Jesus is Coming, Part 5

March 3, 1993 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Well glory! Are you looking for the Lord’s return today? Amen. Good chance He’ll be coming in the next few days. It’s going to be raining for a few days and He’s coming in the clouds; amen? The percentage has gone up, praise God. Amen! Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

You know, it’s amazing. You just share casually, and the effect that it can have. I was sharing, I think, with you last week that I was, just in passing, I was sharing with one of the ball players from the Redskins. It so happened that he was working out again, I guess it was yesterday, we were down there. He works out with his brother, so we were just talking a little bit, and they went off somewhere, so I jumped up on one of the machines to get a little bit of work. As I did, there was another fellow that I’m always talking with down there, the one who’s involved in the stock market, and is an amateur historian. The guy is very well read, so I like talking with him. We’re always spending a lot of time talking, too much, probably. But it’s a good way of finding out what is going on. We’re sitting there, talking, and this one player comes back over and he says, “Are you still on that machine?” I said, “Yeah, do you want to do another set?” He said, “Yeah man, what are you doing? Hoping the Lord will come back?” I started into the set, and I said, “Yeah, in fact, I believe He’ll come back before this set is over.” He said, “Don’t say that, man. Don’t say that!” I said, “I’m ready. How about you?” Amen? It’s obvious he’s not, but he’s thinking about it, praise God. Thank God for seeds that are sown, you just never know. Let’s just continue to keep sewing seed and let this generation know that Jesus is coming back, praise God; and I believe that it’s going to be in our lifetime...