
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 7

May 27, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

You think either it's a three-day weekend or people don't believe Jesus is coming back? Think it could be a three-day weekend? How many of you believe Jesus is coming back? Amen! Then we're to live every day as though it were the day; amen? Let's turn if we would-I want to get back into Corinthians 11, start off out of there again where we started this morning and deal a little bit more with headship.

I want to encourage all of the gentlemen here again. Let me share one thing with you that's very important for you to understand. We were sharing this morning that in the headship, the area of responsibility that God has placed us in, we're to function in love; amen? "Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it." We were talking about the fact that love is kind; it's gentle; it's longsuffering-all of these different aspects. We want to continue to encourage you, men, in that direction. But hear what I'm saying to preface this: even if your leadership has not to this point been kind and gentle and longsuffering, by all means, lead. Do you all hear what I'm saying, men? Because the first responsibility you have is not how you administrate your household but whether you are fulfilling God's given task to you, and that's leadership. And all the men said- Amen. You may not be the best leader in town, but bless God, you'd better be leading. Amen? Because you're going to answer to God for whether you're doing the job that He's ordained you to do. Now you may not be getting rave reports from home, but if you're in leadership, you're at least headed in the right direction, praise God! And all the ladies said "amen" to that. Amen? How many of you ladies want your husbands to take the lead? Let me see the hands. Okay, one. We see then, that- This is the first one up. Did you see that, T-? I'm a witness, praise God. Amen. If she ever gets out of line, come back and remind her. Say, "Remember that day? Pastor saw you raise your hand. You were the first one that said 'amen.' " Leadership, headship: it's what God has ordained us to. And what we are trying to do is to get it working right in our lives. But before you can get it working right, you've got to get it working...