
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 13

June 10, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We have a few questions we're going to try to deal with tonight. So, we're going to try to keep them as concise and practical as we can, praise God. Anybody else? I have one more question that came in here, let me check that out. Janet, you want to come up and join me, here? We'll take a look at some of these.

In the study that we've been doing, there are many, many books that are available. But if you don't have these, I'd encourage you to get them. They're very simple, two men that have dealt with some very practical things. It's like everything else, you have to eat the hay and spit out the sticks. But Christian Living in the Home by Jay Adams is a good book that will be a blessing to you, I believe, and deals with some real good subject matter. Many of you have probably read it. "The Christ-centered Home," "Communication Comes First," "Single Persons" (how to find a mate). We've been talking about how to find a mate when we spent the time in 1 Timothy 3 and Proverbs 31. That's how you find a mate. You walk around with that list and if they don't measure up you don't marry them. Then, it's a word to the wives, "Loving Leadership," "Discipline With Dignity," and "How To Live With An Unbelieving Husband," couple of the passages that are in there. Spirit-Controlled Living by Tim and Beverly LaHaye has some good practical aspects in it. Chapter headings include: "The Importance Of Family," "Decline Of Family," "Key To A Happy Marriage," "Six Major Problems In Marriage," "Role Of The Wife," "Role of The Husband," "Communication," "Finances In The Home," "The Church And Your Family," and "Prayer Power For Family Living." It's a very good book. And like I said, there are some things in there that you can draw from that are excellent. There are a few in there, some, that you'll have to discern. God will give you the wisdom to choose what truth is. Okay!...