
Watch, Part 5

May 9, 2004 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Peter's epistle. We want to see if we can wind up this portion of study that we've been dealing with on "watchfulness." We're watching for the coming of the Lord; as we look up, our redemption is drawing near. We're watching because He is going to appear to those that are looking for Him. Are you looking, are you watching? Is the confusion and the seduction of this hour affecting you or are you able to spend that time musing, as we were talking about, instead of amusing, and get quiet, and look for, and hasten the coming of the Lord Jesus? This world isn't our home; we're just pilgrims; we're just sojourning. Are you spending time looking into the heavenlies, where our treasures have been laid up? Because where your treasure is that's where your heart is. We're watching, and looking for the Lord's coming. The Scripture says that if we have that hope, we will continue to purify ourselves, even as He is pure, the first epistle of John says. Every man that has that hope in him will purify himself, even as He is pure. Even as He is pure. What standard? How much is good enough? "Ah, that's good enough." We're not working for the government; we're working for the kingdom. We realize, then, that perfection is the only standard. Are you watching your work? We're living in a world now where quality control is almost a thing of the past. The pride of workmanship, doing a job right, is something that is foreign to many people. We, as believers, can't settle for anything less than the standard of perfection. What we do, we're doing as unto the Lord. Whatever you do, you're doing it for Jesus. See whatever it is that you're doing on a daily basis as something you're going to put in the hands of Jesus...

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