
Watch, Part 2

May 2, 2004 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah, amen! Let's turn to the epistle of Timothy where we were Wednesday night. We're talking about the day we're living in, the need to be sober, to be on guard that the day doesn't come upon us unawares. "In the last days iniquity is going to abound; the love of many ['Not me, Lord'] shall wax cold" (1 Timothy 3:1). "The love of many ['It will never happen to me, Lord'] shall wax cold." "Though all forsake You, Lord, you can count on Peter." "Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny Me thrice" (Matthew 26:34). In the garden Jesus went to the disciples and He said, "Watch and pray, there's an hour coming that you're not prepared for." I believe that the Spirit of God is speaking to us today and saying, "Watch and pray, there's an hour coming. You think you're ready for it but you're not, really. It's going to go beyond anything you can imagine." The powers of the spirit of antichrist, as the utterance said, cannot be resisted in the flesh. It's not going to be resisted by resolve. You're not going to be able to say, "I've made a decision and I'm just going to stand upon my declaration, my purpose." If you're not living in the spirit, you will fulfill the lust of the flesh. What are you trusting in this morning, your past successes? "...Sufficient to the day," the Scripture says, "is the evil thereof." "Take no thought..." (Matthew 6:34). "...[today] is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2). Where are you in your walk today in the spirit? You can't trust in your past accomplishments; that doesn't affect you today. Do you have sufficient? Is the oil in your lamp sufficient? You see, the five foolish had oil at one time, they just didn't have it when they needed it. Do you have sufficient in your lamp today?

"I cast out devils in Your name. I went out and preached the gospel in Africa." What are you doing today? Because if we think we can trust in anything but the momentary presence of God, the momentary faith of relying and trusting in His ability in us right now, then we're candidates for this failure. Watch! There's a spirit of seduction going on around us; false prophets arising, as we saw in Timothy, and what they're teaching is that this narrow, strict standard of the Word of God isn't all there is to Christianity; but there's now a new "Christian consensus" of what is acceptable and what's not. So many people are going around saying, "We're Christians; we believe in Jesus." Where's the fruit; where is the evidence?...

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