
Watch, Part 1

April 28, 2004 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to 2 Timothy, and as you're turning just a couple of quick updates. Things are going very well in Africa as the preparation for the missions team, there's a lot of excitement. They're praying for you as you're praying for them, and we just encourage you to continue to prepare diligently. Those of you who are doing the vital job of intercession, we're believing for some great things. The last time we went over there we left churches where there were none. Praise God! Amen? Who knows what's going to happen this time? We're looking forward to personally visiting all of the churches. We'll be with all of the churches and meet with all of the congregations, so pray for us that we'll be able to bring the direction needed as we meet with all of the pastors. A lot of exciting things! We're continually getting reports of growth, numerically and in maturation; a lot of good things that are going on. Warfare, of course, taking place just like it is in every one of our lives, so hold each one of these overseers up and lift their hands up in this hour.

It's an interesting hour. We're going to talk about that a little bit tonight, this hour that we're living in. The warfare; it's surely not subtle anymore. The hour that we're living in is very plain, and yet at the same time, we've talked in the past, the vexation that comes upon every one of us. Every time we go out into the world we're being polluted. You can't step outside your prayer closet and not get polluted. We need to realize that, and we need to continually be washing ourselves with the water of God's Word and preparing ourselves for the hour that we're in. So, don't let this day overtake you. Don't be unaware of the time that we're in. We're going to talk about that a little bit: The need for watchfulness and not to be lulled to sleep in this generation...

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