
Cleansed to Serve, Part 5

October 27, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Well, continue to pray for the people that are out of town over this week's school being out, and that they'll all return safely. Also, some information from Africa. Last word we got things are going very well. Preparation for the missions trip--we're shooting toward somewhere in the middle of May. So all of you graduating seniors from last year, and all of you who'll be graduating this year, be sure to start making preparations, saving up. I would guess that the trip's going to cost a minimum of $1500, so that'll give you an idea of some of the range that we're looking at so you can begin to take whatever steps are necessary to prepare for that.

A lot of good things that are going on, doors that are opening over there. Tony was telling me just yesterday that there seem to be some great opportunities that are arising. If the doors open for us to go and hold some more seminars, then we'll go along also with the missions group, otherwise it'll be just the missions group going. So we're praying for doors of utterance to be opened. It looks like, at this time, an opportunity to go in and hold some seminars at the largest church in Kenya, and so be prayerful about that. We're looking to go into there and some of these doors that the Lord's opening. Hopefully, to go back to Obonyo's church in Nairobi, a phenomenal church. We shared some of the service with you from when we were there last time. It's not one of the bigger churches I think from African--what is that Tony, six, seven thousand? Something like that, and so by their standards, this is where they are. Now, you have to remember, there's a lot of religion. There are huge quantities of people in these services, but not a lot of the remnant that's really ready for the return of Jesus, because everything that is perverted in America is what's being promoted in Kenya. So if it's some type of gospel perversion here--you know, highlights from TBN--then it'll be what they're eating up over there. So it's an opportunity to go and to bring a word that can touch the remnant's heart and that's what we're praying about. It's miraculous that Father opens the doors for us with the message that we bring into these ministries. It's miraculous! So just continue to pray. It's nothing that we take for granted; it's something that is really the working of the Holy Spirit and not something that we take very lightly...