
Walking in the Spirit, Part 6

September 12, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We are continuing in our study: Walking in the Spirit. We have been having a great time as the Lord has been ministering to our hearts. Let's turn to John, the fourth chapter. Some of you might know this verse by now. I don't know how long we have been in the study, but we know one thing: we haven't come anywhere close to finishing; so we'll just continue to have a good time in the Lord's ministry to us. We will talk about hearing the voice of God over the next session or two: how to hear the voice of God, how to be obedient to the voice of the Spirit of God speaking to your spirit, how to know when it's God speaking as opposed to your mind coming up with different ideas, and how to know when the Spirit of God is leading you in a certain direction or pressures are pushing you. These are the things that we want to understand as we start dissecting the spirit tonight and as we get into the three phases of the spirit of the reborn man.

Now, what are the three aspects of the spirit? How many of you remember? They are intuition, conscience, and communion. So, for right now, put them in your notes, either in columns across or down and divide your page into three sections with the headings, "Intuition," "Communion," and "Conscience."

John, the fourth chapter, the twentyfourth verse, says, "God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship him [how?] in spirit and in truth." So, apart from worshiping God from the spirit man through the Word of God, you cannot worship Him: you cannot worship Him out of your mind; you can't worship Him with your flesh; you can truly worship God and have communion with God only through your spirit man. It's the only possible way that it can be done...