
Pray With Purpose, Part 6

January 14, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's go ahead and turn to II Kings. We'll pick up where we left off this morning, as we were talking about coming to the realization that the ministry of prayer is, as expressed in the Scriptures, is not just that, that alleviates us of our problems, anxieties, and enemies. It doesn't just bless us and heal us and deliver us, but there's a reason for it; in that, God intervenes through the power of prayer as a testimony onto the onlookers that He's alive, and that He's working in our lives, and that He is a loving heavenly Father that's soliciting all back into fellowship with Himself. It's an exciting thing. We went up on Mount Carmel, and we saw the challenge of the great prophet to that affect and said, "How long are you going to halt between these two opinions? If the Lord is God, then serve Him." It's very interesting that as that ministry evidenced itself in the eighteenth chapter, and the admonition of the prophet for those to seek the presence of God and not to be in any way fearful of their pursuit because of His righteousness, His holiness, because the Scripture says it's His desire to reconcile the people. In the midst of all of that, we find ourselves over in this nineteenth chapter of II Kings and the story of Hezekiah and the onslaught that was being experienced in the ministry at that time.

Hezekiah's experiencing that at this particular juncture in own life. We know that the siege was on the city at this particular time, the boasting against the righteousness of God and the people of God. We need to see that as part of what we're facing many times in our lives when the trials that we're experiencing are by the enemy of our souls. Then we have to understand that, that opposition and the boasting of the evil one against God is taken personally by the Lord. If we'll endure and stand up, God will glorify His name; and in the process, He will deliver you because we're not what it's all about. It's the spiritual warfare that we find ourselves caught in the midst that affects our lives so many times. Your prayer life can be encouraged if you just understand that principle in and of itself. Just encourage you to stand and to pray for wisdom as the Apostle told us. When the temptation's there, pray for wisdom; and the Lord will give us the discerning and know why the trial's upon us and what the source of deliverance is...