
Cleansed to Serve, Part 6

October 27, 2002 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Let's turn back to Corinthians, where we left off this morning. We were talking and encouraging each of us to realize that what God's looking for is not ability in our lives but availability; His grace is sufficient to cause any of us to be champions for the kingdom of God. The thing that He calls us to do, of course, is that if we're going to obtain this mastery, then we're going to have to become temperate in everything that pertains to the world or to the natural realm.

As Lisa was praying that we would understand the hour that we're in and the sobriety of each of our tasks, especially those of us who are parents here, the adults. What an awesome responsibility. We've said it before, the sobriety of being able to look at somebody, look at anybody, your children or anybody else, brothers and sisters here in this room, being able to look somebody dead in the eye and say, "If you follow me, you're getting to Heaven. If you do what I do, you're going to get to Heaven and that's all there is to it." That's all we're called to do, to simply be able to go and be epistles that are read of men; to be able to say, "Follow me as I follow Christ." That wasn't just for the Apostle Paul. It wasn't just so that we could read the epistles, understand how the church functions and all of the ecclesiastical aspects of administration and the application of the Word of God. It's normative Christianity. It's what we've been called to do, to be able to say as Jesus spoke, "If you've seen me," Jesus said, "you've seen the Father." Of course, as we become one with Him, as the Scripture admonishes us, we're to be able to say, "Look, if you watch me you're going to really understand what God's about."...