
Headship, Helpmeet and Lovers, Part 9

June 3, 1990 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We are going to continue with our study on "Headship, Helpmeets, and Lovers." You say, "When are we going to get to the 'lovers' part?" It's coming, so just hang on and we'll get there, praise God. We've been hearing from both the men and the women that they want to get into that topic. We've had some of the women come and say, "You wouldn't believe my husband!" Yes, I would. We're going to get him straightened out before this thing is over; and all the ladies said, "Amen!"

Last Sunday morning we were dealing with the primary obligations of the husband, the man, the head of the house; and we saw in Ephesians that the first requirement of the man is that he does what? That he loves his wife as Christ loved the church, amen? Love is what man is required to do. If love is not the dominant force in the house, it's the man's fault. Ladies, you missed a good opportunity to say "amen." If love is not the dominant force in the home, it's the man's fault. Regardless of how the children or the wife respond to that love, makes no difference. It's the man's responsibility to love, because he has been put into the position of headship. As we saw in Ephesians last week, who is it that he's representing? As Corinthians tells us, who is his head? Christ. Does Jesus ever exhibit anything but love? So, if we're the representative of our head Jesus, then we have to love at all times, regardless of circumstances. Men, regardless of how unlovely the situation might be we are responsible to love at all times. That's what God has called us to do. Yet we seem to think that the women are the ones who have been chosen to love, to be gentle, and to be kind, as if that was their place; and that we're here to be rulers, dictators, and totalitarian in our approach to life. That is not what we've been called to do. As we were sharing last Sunday night, love is not 'ooey-gooey' compromise. Love is holding up the standards of the Word of God regardless of our own emotions, regardless of how much it hurts us personally, and requiring the will of the Lord be done. Amen?

We are beginning to see what true biblical love is. First John says that perfect love is doing what? Keeping the commandments of God. The consequence is that it casts out the fear of judgment. How is it that it casts out fear of judgment? Because I've been obedient to keep the Word of God I'm not afraid of judgment. I'm doing what God is requiring of me; therefore, I don't fear the presence of God or standing up and being judged. What's the standard that God is going to use to judge us? The Word of the Lord. If I'm keeping the Word of the Lord then what problem do I have with judgment? There is no fear of judgment, I've already judged myself and required of myself to do the Word of God...