
Walking in the Spirit, Part 8

September 26, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Okay, the fourth chapter, and let's look down here at the twenty-fourth verse: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John's Gospel). "God is a Spirit: and those that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." How do we worship God? Okay, do you worship Him with your bodies? Out of your minds? In spirit and in truth. And we're going to take up our last segment on our study of the spirit-man. Now, we'll be referring to the spirit throughout the rest of the study, but we've focused in on the spirit-man. We've tried to-in no way have we exhausted it, but we've gone probably a lot further than most have ever delved into the spirit and dissected the spirit, its operation, the things that the spirit can produce when it's moving under the power, the energy of the Word of God, the fact that this spirit-when it's under the direction of the Holy Spirit-is capable of leading us into truth. Your spirit-man is able to digest the Word of God and to assimilate all of the knowledge and revelation that God has for us. Your spirit-man is able to sustain your physical body with life. Think about that. Your spirit-man is able to sustain the physical man with life. As long as that spirit is saturated with the Word of life, the body will live until you're ready to go home, until God calls you, and you and He are in agreement and you check out of here. Praise God!

And, you see, this is the way that it's supposed to operate, and we see, then, that all of this ministry that's been coming into our spirit has to be, then, released into the mind and into the body to become effective in this realm that we're walking in, the natural realm. We've seen that we're spiritual beings; we've seen that we are spirits; we worship a Spirit. We see that our spirit is the factor that produces life. We see that the spirit is eternal, but we're living now in a realm that's governed by time and space. How many of you realize that you're governed by time and space in this physical body? That's why Jesus had to die. You see, the fullness of the ministry of Jesus-do you realize that the fullness of Jesus' ministry did not end with His death and resurrection? Did you all know that? Did you know that He was not through, His ministry did not end, He's ascended back to the right hand of God our Father and ever lives to make intercession for us? Did you know that Jesus came back in the person of the Holy Spirit? Do you realize that as long as He was in this physical body, He was limited by time and space?...