
Prayer Warriors, Part 11

April 24, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's go back to Ephesians for just a moment. On Sunday morning we really didn't get into the teaching as much as we just had an exposition on a number of different topics. I believe that the Holy Spirit really spoke to us Sunday morning and hopefully those of us who had ears to hear were able to hear. I don't believe I could go back and share with you much of what was said, I'd have to listen to the tape to really think of it; but one of the things I do remember is the real admonition for us as a body and as family units was to pray for one another in this time of battle. Rather than warring with one another, being critical of one another, and competing with one another, we need to realize the need of truly loving one another to where we would spend time in intercession. We talked about those who would transgress against us, about spouses and about how there's conflict in relationship. We saw that the scripture made it very clear that when we stand praying, one of the first things to make our prayers effectual is what? "When we stand praying, forgive" (Mark 11:25).

We talked about the different conflicts that may or may not be resolved in relationships, but as it pertains to our prayer lives-and this is what we've been emphasizing over these last weeks-our prayer will not be effectual with unforgiveness in our hearts. He said in His model prayer, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" (Matthew 6:12). Amen? He asked in that model prayer, "Lord, teach us to pray;" and He said, "Okay, if you want to be an effectual prayer, you need to have a heart of forgiveness; because in any community like this we're going to have conflicts aren't we?" In the little communities of our homes, we're going to have conflicts; so we need to truly pray for one another, to bear one another's burdens. We spoke toward that in numerous ways and hopefully you were encouraged to pray for them who are transgressing, that their sins could be forgiven. Isn't that what 1 John says? The Scripture says that when we see a brother in our midst sin, and it's not a sin unto death, we're to pray for them, to be compassionate, and to bear the burden with them...