
Prayer Warriors, Part 8

April 14, 2013 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's go back. I don't know if we're going to be unplugging here soon in the prayer series, but I want to remind us of the great privilege that we have of accessing the throne of God, the Holy of Holies. Because of that blood of Jesus, we can enter in boldly. Amen?

He says, "Come. Those that seek will find. Those that ask shall receive, and for those that knock it shall be opened unto them." He has encouraged us that we ought always to pray, and then He goes on to say we are not to faint. As we are praying and believing God, we often have that tendency to faint, don't we? Many times, we do not own up to the absolute doubt or discouragement. We just stop praying about it. "Men ought to always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1).

Continue to believe God and rejoice. We told you the story about George Müller. He prayed for 62 years and four months, or it was something like that, for those individuals, and he was not fainting. How many of you have been praying for specific things for over 30 years? Hold up your hands. Some of us aren't that old. I rejoice that my grandmother was saved at 100, praise God! Amen? For all those years, we faithfully continued to speak the Word of God to her every time we saw her, and we lived the life before her. She knew "Bobby" as a little boy, and she saw the transformation in my life. For all of those years, she wouldn't bow her knee, but God in His mercy drew her. To see her born again at that age was tremendous. My mother was in her eighties when she finally bowed her knee to accept the Lord as Savior. One hundred years old and 80 years old, That takes a lot of praying. Amen? Don't faint, praise God! My brother is still to come. I believe for the salvation of my brother. I believe God. The Lord is merciful, and He is not willing that any would perish. Amen? We didn't faint in praying for my grandmother. We did not faint in praying for my mother, and we are not going to faint in praying for my brother, praise God!...