
Generations, Part 5

October 13, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! It didn't take long to fire me up. It's supernatural; it's not natural. We are believing for a miracle; amen? We are fighting against everything that seems to be historically the case, naturally the case, "but with God all things are possible;" praise God! (Matthew 19:26). So, as we look to make this investment, and we see God's original purpose as He spoke to Abraham (that the covenant might be perpetuated), He said, "I have chosen you because I have confidence that you will teach your children and your children's children all of these statutes, to keep these commandments" (Genesis 18:19, Deuteronomy 4:9). We were talking Sunday about the necessity in this hour to do away with the twenty-first century Jesus--the mentality of the "Grandpa God"--and realize that "our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29) (amen?), and that He is a jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24), and to see restored in our lives, as the patriarchs--the parents--a fear of God, and not a fear of losing our children, a fear of being out of step with society, or a fear of being held to our own doctrines, but to fear God and to pursue Him with all of our hearts in this last hour, and to work diligently (as we were sharing about driving the nations out from among us) to pull down their idols, for this [the Bible] is our wisdom (amen?), not the world's methods. This [the Bible] is our wisdom! (Deuteronomy 4:5-6).

This Word is truth; praise God! (John 17:17). There is no other way to do it. In spite of everything the world tries to bring into our midst to influence us--whether sociologically or economically--we are not manifesting a care or a pursuit of the world. We have come out from among them; we are separate; we are that royal priesthood, that holy nation (2 Corinthians 6:17, 1 Peter 2:9). As soon as the financial situation gets a little tougher, you will feel the pressure when it comes to honoring God with your first fruits. We are going to feel a little bit of pressure when we have to start changing our lifestyles...

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