
There is Yet One Man, Part 6

November 14, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Turn to 1 Samuel. We'll pick back up talking about David and his character. As we were sharing about some of the other kings and the things they had in common; men like David Asa, Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah were men that had a heart for God. David was, of course, referred to as being a man after God's own heart. We think about that so often, but David's heart wasn't just one that panted for the Lord as the heart does the brook. In the great revelation he had of the Lord in the Forty-second Psalm; his heart for God was a heart that sought the glory of God. Unfortunately, we focus so much on his humanity, the great man that he was and how horrendous of a sin he was involved in; but compared to the holiness of God, all sin is equal. Amen? Here was a man who had encountered the reality of the holiness of God. His human frailties were, very frankly, unable to be checked, unlike so many of ours. We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and are a regenerated people, yet he walked very successfully in the knowledge he had of God. Amen? As we look at David's life, this young man who had a heart after God, it was a heart for the glory of God. He achieved a lot of glory, fame, and power for himself, but the moment he removed his eyes from seeking the glory of God to instead rejoice in the benefits of that glory for himself is when David fell. Whenever he began to take a little bit of rest from his pursuit of God, when he began to take a little bit of rest from his responsibility as a watchman on the wall, as a shepherd after God's own heart, That is when the flesh rose up and took advantage of him, just like it will for you and me. The story of these three men is summed up in a phrase that we are all very familiar with: "When you were small in your own eyes I could use you" (1 Samuel 15:17). Amen?

When we look at being able to be that man in this last day--the eyes of the Lord are searching the earth, looking for that man, a man as we've been talking about. It's going to turn out to be many. I don't believe we're going to see the big super stars in this final hour, I believe it's going to be people just like you and me being faithful where God's put us...