
Walking in the Spirit, Part 12

November 14, 1979 • Pastor Star R. Scott

I know from experience, dealing with people, that this study has changed a lot of lives. People have begun to see who they are in Christ, the fact that they are spiritual beings, that they don't have to be governed by their flesh, that they don't have to believe what their bodies are telling them, and that the mind can, in fact, be renewed and washed with the washing of the water of the Word. As we finish this teaching, we want to take a look again at the body. We have spent a long time dealing with the spirit of man: the fact that man is a spirit. Those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth, the Scripture says. The Scriptures say that, if you walk in the Spirit, you will (what?) not fulfill the lust of the flesh; amen? So, we want to see this evening, concerning the man walking in the Spirit, how this flesh must respond to that spiritual man. What we have been sharing with you for these last months isn't theory. The flesh must respond, must walk in obedience to, the regenerate man. The flesh must obey the Word of God so long as that inner man is continually being saturated with the Word of God. If we will reckon that we are, in fact, dead to sin and alive in Christ, the life that we now live in the flesh (Paul said in Galatians) we live (how?)-how many of you know what that says?-by (what?) the faith of the Son of God. It doesn't say that we live it by faith in the Son of God (amen?); it says we live this life by the faith of the Son of God. You see, Jesus is in you: your victory is by His faith. That's what this is saying: The life that you now live, you are now living by the faith of the Son of God. You and Jesus have been made one. He is dwelling in your spirit. You are flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone. You have been joined to Him, you are one spirit with Him. Your spirit and Jesus cannot be separated any more than the Godhead can be pulled apart. We now have been made one with Him. So, your victory is in realizing the oneness that you have with Jesus in the spiritual man.

You see, that's Jesus living down there. How many of you believe that, if Jesus were given full reign of your body, He could keep it in line? He proved it with His body, didn't He? Amen. Well, who is living in us? It's Christ in us, the hope of glory; amen? Jesus has been made one with us; He is living in our spirits. So, in actuality, Jesus is the one who has control of our physical members-if we will recognize what the new birth is all about. This is what we want to try to nail down as we finish this study...